The Company

General Information about the Company

MariTerm AB is a knowledge based consultancy company which specialises in the field of safe and qualitative transports. The company was founded in 1978 and is owned by its senior consultants.

Owing to their peripheral geographic locations, Swedish industries have in comparison to their continental competitors a greater need for safe and efficient transports. This is in particular the case for forest products and steel manufacturers but also for other industries exporting large volumes of goods. To maintain a high level of efficiency of the transports, continuous research and development activities must be carried out.

MariTerm aims to be able to assist this progress both on behalf of the industry but also as part of research teams investigating future investments in infrastructure as well as new regulations. Our main mean of providing a qualitative service to our customers is a high degree of competence and specialisation within our fields of expertise. To achieve this we have built a team of civil engineers.

Research projects are an important activity for strengthening our competence. Thus, MariTerm manage or take part in advanced transport research and development projects, which may be funded by research institutes, national or regional public funds, branch organisations, trust funds or private companies.

Proper training requires skilled teachers which are in close contact with the development within their fields. Based on the knowledge built up through participation in research and development projects and missions and practical tests performed for industries and transport companies, MariTerm has built up a comprehensive training operation within the transport area.

MariTerm AB provides services within the following fields:

Research, development and consultancy services:

  • Cargo securing
  • Cargo care
  • Dangerous goods, including safety advisory
  • Cargo damage surveys
  • Intermodal transports
  • Maritime management systems
  • Vessel construction and safety at sea


  • Cargo securing
  • Dangerous goods
  • Maritime management systems (ISPS for Ship Security Officer – SSO, ISM internal audit as well as root cause analysis, Crowd and Crisis Management – CCM, Basic Safety, Advanced Fire Fighting and Rescue boats)
  • Ship stability